Things had slowed down, but bouncing back.
It has been a good start to the year, but I have had some IRL projects going on, which made a few things here take a backseat, like all the ideas I've had. I still have to do the Golden Dice giveaway (It's still coming).

I am coming back to those ideas, and started the next set of blanks. They are a bit cleaner than the Borderlands, but going in the same style (See Title Picture).

I have also worked on cleaning up my fonts, which I would like to make available.

I started a game with a few good friends about 10 years ago, and have started testing it again. I am on a V2, with some good changes. I want to see that on game shelves one day.
To end this blog post, I am still working on more video ideas, as well as commercials for my dice. I have also toyed around with gathering ideas for a Dicemaking Podcast. Anyone out there reading, let me know if you would listen or want to be on one.